Ronan and his colleagues organize dotMD conference that by now gathered a following of like-minded individuals appreciating intersection of medicine, live, art and technology. Next meeting takes place in Ireland in June 2022 (if you are lucky to get a ticket for that in-person event). Follow the website that I linked above to see if you can still register for remote option which I heard (first hand) should be available and is coming soon.

Dr. Kavanagh, like me a rheumatology consultant, is from the country that has a large representation of famous Irish poets: William Yeats and James Joyce come to mind. Ronan chose a poem from the booklet that is designated for young doctors in Scotland at the offset of their clinical careers to inspire and give them respite in long days of practicing medicine. I love this line of thinking: read a poem, take a breath and be well. To read more about Tools of The Trade project click button below.

Quoting after Ronan if “one hangs hat only on medicine” that may end in burnout and desperation what we all try to avoid. Solutions are many - why not reach for abundant contemplative wisdom of poetry?

It was an easy and immediate choice for me to reach out to very approachable Ronan Kavanagh whose chosen poetry recording is available in audio and video, see buttons and links below. Enjoy and support HCW wellness.

More on the project please follow this link.

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Dr. Amber’s period panties - conversation that matters.


We Are Reading Poetry with Dr. Izabela Malinowska.